Above. Three generations of the Webster family, including the Trusts Fishing Officer Tom, fishing at Ebridge mill pond.
Welcome to the home page of the Trust’s Piscatorial section, in it we have links to:
North Walsham and Dilham Canal Trust ‘Fishing Rules’
A Brief guide to the fish of the canal
A fisherman’s tales of the canal – all stories written by Roy Webster
The NW&D Canal Trust often receive online enquiries about fishing on the canal.
It is only at Ebridge that the canal owner kindly allows you to fish on the understanding that you respect their wishes by taking your fishing and other waste home with you.
There is no fee but if you have enjoyed your day please feel free to offer a donation via the QR codes or by our donation links.
All monies raised go toward the trust aiding the canal owners with maintenance and other special requests.
Please be advised though that the canal at Ebridge is very popular with other water users and can become very busy at times.
At Ebridge Millpond permission to fish is kindly granted from the canal owner, this is a privilege and not a right, please respect their rules at all times. Also remember that this is a Canal under restoration, at times this means that water levels may be variable, and banks closed so that further restoration and maintenance work can be undertaken.
Don’t forget, if you fish at Ebridge please take all of your litter home with you, this to protect the wildlife who inhabit the area.