by Julie Kelleher | 27 May, 2021 | News
by Julie Kelleher | 22 May, 2021 | News
Parking has to be stopped for a short while on the east side of Ebridge lock whilst the lock is emptied of mud and whatever else may be in there. The fencing will be put across to close off the site to all but those who know they have access rights from Saturday...
by Julie Kelleher | 22 May, 2021 | News
Trust volunteers have now completed the work on the entrance to the culvert at Ebridge, all bar a few hours of pointing work. Well done them and thanks from all concerned! No doubt Laurie will landscape the immediate vicinity of that job very soon now.
by Julie Kelleher | 15 May, 2021 | News
Text copied from Duncan Baker MP’s Facebook post “North Walsham and Dilham Canal Trust One of the great privileges of this job is being invited to see the phenomenal work volunteers do all over North Norfolk. Yesterday I got to see that on...